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Updated: Aug 1, 2022

So, I went to Wales last week for a few days and got fresh air in my lungs, spectacular green views in my eyes, and cosy time spent with loved ones for the heart - including cows and sheep, yes! It was the 50th birthday of my mother in law - a very, very, special, inspiring, and magnificent lady - whom I admire and love very much.

Amongst other things, I made the acquaintance of a smart, funny, talented and compassionate Italian woman, who's also a Libra, like me - we're even born on the exact same day - who told me about this wish list (150 wishes) from the Buddhist culture. Needless to say, that picked my interest.

The principle is simple: you make a list of 150 wishes you have for yourself and would like to see manifested in your life in the (near) future, and the only two rules are:

1) You can not ask directly for money (example: "I wish to have £1,000 in my bank account" ; however you can say: "I wish to own a house", or "I wish to own a Honda Accord car"). In other words, you can be precise and ask for things, just not money.

2) You can not ask for something for someone else (example: "I wish that my family member gets healthy", or "I would like my best friend to get this dream job", and so forth - but you can say "I wish to be able to be there for my friend and support him/her to the best of my abilities").

So here you go, it takes time, sure, to ask yourself what you truly wish for in this life... especially when the number is a hundred and fifty, ahem. But get creative, AND HONEST ♡ Make it authentic and make it yours. It could be simple things like "I want to feel light and happy when I wake up", or other things such as "I want to be a mother", or "become a successful stand up comedian"... the possibilities are END-LESS.

Once you have your list, it's best practice to read it once a day (I personally like mornings, shortly after I wake up) and you sort of say it to yourself - out loud or not - like a mantra (definitely some law of attraction energy going on there).

If one wish comes to realise itself in your life, you can happily and gratefully cross it off your list BUT you have to write a new one instead. Same thing goes for a wish you no longer desire, you can cross it off, but again, you'll have to replace it... so there's always a 150 on there, phew.

It's not easy to get to a 150 wishes - I'm only at 48 myself - but there's no rush, you can still read them every day and start the process, the full list will come to you in right time, I'm sure.

Here are some of my favourite one's from my own wish list:

- I wish to be and earn a living as a great, authentic, and humble Yoga Teacher.

- I wish to be able to do public speaking with ease.

- I wish to be a lifestyle entrepreneur & digital nomad.

- I wish to add value to people's life by helping them to shine their true self.

- I wish to collaborate closely with my mum, in the foreseeable future, through art.

- I wish to feel healthy, empowered, and free in my body.

- I wish to attend music courses at the famous BRIT school, London.

- I wish to do a Vipassana retreat in 2021.

- I wish to own a house with a garden, by the sea, with my partner (by 2023)

- I wish to actively engage in an activity that would help my community to grow food.

- I wish to own a boat to reunite with my soul's essence.

Wanna give it a go? Start with a top 5... see how it goes. Before you know it, you might just be inspired to continue and it's such a fun and empowering thing to engage in.

If you're still reading, many thanks to you dear, and much love to you all!

Here are a few good shots from Wales, where the seed was planted, in Abergavenny - Strawberry Wood Barn, August 2020:

View from the bedroom window! So nice to wake up with fresh country side air.

Gorgeous living room...

Special thanks to Angie, my beautiful mother in law, who made this trip possible - AND A MASSIVE HAPPY 50's TO HER, may she long live and thrive ♡

Stunning nature!

Two amazing women of wisdom!

Antonella and I, casually sipping wine and discussing the wish list, ahah.

Friends in the country side

HUGE and proper Romanian watermelon!

Swing swing...

Moo, happy cows.

By the tree house.

More happy cows.

And more.

Black and white.

Let there be fire.

Girls talk with a view.

Cosy Ally chilling by the patio!

Sorinachi - my love, my heart, my sun!

Brown cow.

Family picture in Wales!

Group shot

Stunning homemade birthday cake, made by:

Group shot 2

Last minutes in the house, cleaning up and making our goodbyes. Until next time Wales!

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